One plan, one price.

Unlock all products and features.

What's included in your plan:

  • Inversion Models API
  • Rich Observability
  • $25/month usage
  • Guided Integration
  • Intelligence Engine
  • Premium Support


Billed Monthly

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Usage-based pricing

Our models are priced in terms of cycles, which you can think of as units of work. Each request consumes cycles based on the model you're using, the complexity in your input data and output structure, and additional configurations you make to trade-off between speed, accuracy, and cost.

We charge $1 per million cycles.

Overall, you can expect to pay up to a maximum of roughly the following per model, in terms of input and output characters, and likely much less depending on your structure and configuration:

ModelPer 1M InPer 1M Out

Cycles pricing allows you to pay for what you use, optimize your costs based on your needs, and benefit from efficiency improvements as we scale our infrastructure and optimize our models over time.

Free-tier, credits, and custom plans

We will announce these options as we get closer to general availability. If you're interested in early access, please sign up and reach out to us for more info.

Rysana AI is in early access. Prices subject to change.